It can occur during activity or at rest. Even at nite, the most annoying...wakes you up from your sweet sleep!
The hardening that occurs will be visible and palpable. It's duration varies and can recur.
The commonest sites are the calf, thigh and foot muscles but can occur on any muscle.
Possible causes:
The exact cause is unclear.
_straining or over use of the muscle
_dehydration and low blood flow to the muscle
_vitamin deficiency
_low level of calcium,magnesium or potassium
_some drugs (that cause deficiency of above named minerals)
_injury to a nerve
Sudden local pain, twitching of muscle, tenderness, firmness, swelling/hardening, inability to use the affected part.
what to do:
* Relax and stretch the affected part (for calf muscle cramps,stretch by standing against wall or pull the foot upwards towards the shin)
* Firmly massage the part
* Apply warm or cold towel or ice pack(whichever that is available) to the affected part. Apply for 20 minutes,then repeat every 3 hours for 24 hours depending on the severity.
* The person should take adequate water and over-the-counter drug for pain.
When to see a doctor:
Cramps are generally harmless but the pain can be excruciating. However,see a doctor in the following situation...
# when it's too severe
# Cramps occur too frequently
# The first aid given isn't helping
# The cramps are not associated with any obvious cause like strenuous exercise.
Cramps (mainly pain) that occurs when you're exercising but goes as soon as you stop the exercise could be pointer to an underlying vascular disease causing poor blood supply to the affected part.
# Fruits
Banana and pineapple for potassium and vitamin E respectively, and other fruits. Milk for calcium.
# Multi-vitamin supplements...especially for night cramps.
# Drink adequate amount of water in day.
# Drink water before, during and after exercise/activity.
# Avoid having your night sleep on a hard surface
# When going for a strenuous exercise like football,first do a warm up like running,this prepares the body.
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