Sunday, December 29, 2013

6 Ways To Have Healthier And Sharper Eyes

1. Sleep more

It is found that lack of sleep leads
to problems like eye spasms. You
can find this very aggravating
although it is not very painful.
Apart from this, lack of sleep can
also lead to ischemic optic neuropathy (AION). This is due to
damage of optic nerves and will
cause immense pain when you
wake up everyday. Glaucoma is
also attributed for lack of sleep.
People suffering from this problem lose their peripheral
vision that ultimately leads to vision that ultimately leads to
blindness. It is therefore
necessary to get a good sleep.
Try reading books or engage in
activities that make you feel relaxed before sleeping.
Remember that sleeping is the
only way to relax your eyes
after a long, busy day.

2. Move away from your computer

Continuous staring at your
computer screen can bring about
blurry vision, eyestrain, and
difficulty with focusing on distant
objects, dry eyes, headaches,
shoulder, neck and back pain. You can protect your eye health by
ensuring that your contact lens or
glasses have an up-to-date
prescription. Such prescription
must make your lens and glasses
adequate for the use of computers. Glasses also come
handy when you want to adjust
the glare, contrast or reduce eye
strain while using the computer.
Position the computer such that
the monitor is in level with your eyes. Try avoiding computer
glare from lights and windows.
Use anti-glare screens and relax
your eyes by looking away from
the monitor screen every 20

3. Quit smoking
Smoking has been linked with some of the leading reasons for
vision loss like macular
degeneration and cataracts. It is
also believed that smoking
contributes to multitude of eye problems in both active and
passive smokers. Tobacco smoke
is known to contain over 4000
substances, including carcinogens,
inflammatory agents and
irritants. Cigarettes can increase the chances of developing
progressing macular
degeneration. Smokers are
therefore facing the high risk of
old age blindness. Eye
inflammations, thyroid eye disease and strabismus are also
linked to smoking. Avoiding or
quitting smoking is one of the best
measures that you can adopt to
overcome these issues.

4. Protect yourself with sunglasses

Sunglasses can help you achieve
more than just glamorous looks.
They are essential tools for
safeguarding your eye health and
its surrounding tissues. UV
radiations can harm the cornea and thereby lead to cataracts. UV
radiations are also linked to
problems like pingueculum,
pterygium and macular
degeneration. Sunglasses help to
shield the fragile eye tissues against such dangers. Look for
glasses that offer protection from
UVA and UVB rays. You can also
choose polarized lenses that
reduce the glare by filtering
sunlight that is reflected from surfaces like pavement and
water. Your sunglasses must fit
well on your ears and nose
without rubbing or pinching.

5. Omega-3 boost
Studies have indicated that
omega-3 fatty acids protect your
eyes from dry eyes syndrome
and macular degeneration. It also
helps to properly drain
intraocular fluid from your eyes thereby decreasing the risk of
glaucoma and high eye pressures.
Cold water fishes are known to
be the best sources for Omega-3.
Typical examples include herring,
sardines, tuna and salmon. You can take some supplements for
fish oil as well. Other sources
include flaxseed oil, flaxseeds,
dark leafy vegetables, and
walnuts. Since your retina is
enriched with omega-3 fatty acids, consuming rich sources of
these acids is crucial. They help to
retain macular health and regular
retinal functions.

6. Eat well
Protection of your eyes must
start with the right food in your
plate. Many studies have proved
that nutrients like lutein, zinc,
omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins E
and C help to keep away age- related eye problems. These
include cataracts and macular
degeneration. Consuming green
vegetables regularly can help you
maintain healthy eyes. So, what is
it that you must consume? Green and leafy vegetables like spinach,
collards, kale and others help to
promote eye health. Colored
fruits and leafy vegetables
contain carotenoids like
zeaxanthin and lutein that play vital roles on vision performance.
They are also known to produce a
positive reaction on retina.
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