Sunday, December 29, 2013

6 Ways To Have Healthier And Sharper Eyes


1. Sleep more

It is found that lack of sleep leads
to problems like eye spasms. You
can find this very aggravating
although it is not very painful.
Apart from this, lack of sleep can
also lead to ischemic optic neuropathy (AION). This is due to
damage of optic nerves and will
cause immense pain when you
wake up everyday. Glaucoma is
also attributed for lack of sleep.
People suffering from this problem lose their peripheral
vision that ultimately leads to vision that ultimately leads to
blindness. It is therefore
necessary to get a good sleep.
Try reading books or engage in
activities that make you feel relaxed before sleeping.
Remember that sleeping is the
only way to relax your eyes
after a long, busy day.
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Saturday, December 28, 2013

Reasons to Drink adequate Water


People seem to carry bottled water everywhere they go these days. In fact, it has become the second most popular drink (behind soft drinks).

When your water intake does not equal your output, you can become dehydrated. Fluid losses are accentuated in warmer climates, during strenuous exercise, in high altitudes, and in older adults, whose sense of thirst may not be as sharp.
Here are six reasons to make sure you're drinking enough water or other fluids every day:

1. Drinking Water Helps Maintain the Balance of Body Fluids. Your body is composed of about 60% water. The functions of these bodily fluids include digestion, absorption, circulation, creation of saliva, transportation of nutrients, and maintenance of body temperature.

"Through the posterior pituitary gland, your brain communicates with your kidneys and tells it how  much water to excrete as urine or hold onto for reserves.

When you're low on fluids, the brain triggers the body's thirst mechanism.
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Friday, December 27, 2013


A bees or Wasp sting is different from other insect bites because venom is injected into the wound. The main danger is from Anaphylactic Shock – where a person has an adverse reaction to the sing/venom. This can be fatal, so prompt first aid and action is required if there are any signs of this.

(1) First, be safe and move away from the area as fast as you can. Bee’s release a pheromone after stinging which attracts other bees to the location

(2) If there are no obvious signs of a severe allergic reaction, remove the stinger as soon as possible (some wasps do not leave stingers). This can be done using your fingernails or a pair of tweezers. Removing the stinger as soon as possible affect the amount of venom injected into the skin.
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Diarrhoea is a change in the consistency of the stool to being abnormaly loose or fluid and increase in the frequency of stools more than is normal for the age.
It is commoner and more severe in children below 5yrs of age.

Management of most cases is aimed at preventing and correcting dehydration and treatment of cause.

When a child passes one loose stool, it should be assumed that dehydration will set in even if the child looks well at the particular time.

Thus the mother or caregiver should start the following at home:

(1) continue feeding, if the child still feeds.

(2) prepare ORS or SSS (if ORS is not available)

[ ORS = Oral Rehydration Solution, SSS = Salt Sugar Solution ]
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STROKE ( cardiovascular accident,CVA )

This is a kind of interruption in the function of the brain due to a sudden shortage of blood. The neurological deficits the victim experiences do not return within 24hours. This is in contrast to Transient ischemic attack (TIA) that returns fully within 24hrs. However,a person who encounters TIA is at higher risk of having stroke in no distant time.


_ tingling,weakness or numbness on one side of the body
_ loss of muscle tone of the face,and rest of one side of the body.
_ blurred or double vision
_ nausea
_ loss of speech or uttering meaningless sounds
_ loss of balance and coordination
_ altered or complete loss of consciousness

STROKE ( cardiovascular accident,CVA )

This is a kind of interruption in the function of the brain due to a sudden shortage of blood. The neurological deficits the victim experiences do not return within 24hours. This is in contrast to Transient ischemic attack (TIA) that returns fully within 24hrs. However,a person who encounters TIA is at higher risk of having stroke in no distant time.
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Most of us must have experienced this ugly phenomenon at some point especially during youthful days.
It can occur during activity or at rest. Even at nite, the most annoying...wakes you up from your sweet sleep!
The hardening that occurs will be visible and palpable. It's duration varies and can recur.
The commonest sites are the calf, thigh and foot muscles but can occur on any muscle.

Possible causes:

The exact cause is unclear.
_straining or over use of the muscle
_dehydration and low blood flow to the muscle
_vitamin deficiency
_low level of calcium,magnesium or potassium
_some drugs (that cause deficiency of above named minerals)
_injury to a nerve

Sudden local pain, twitching of muscle, tenderness, firmness, swelling/hardening, inability to use the affected part.

what to do:
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Common causes:

Pain and swelling of the affected area, discoloration, altered sensation like numbness or 'pins' and 'needles'
Others: nausea,vomiting,headache,poor vision,muscle weakness/paralysis,difficulty breathing.
A small percentage of people can develop severe reaction (anaphylaxis), signs of which include facial swelling, difficulty breathing and shock(clammy skin,racing pulse,confusion or sleepiness).


* Wash the area with soapy water or salty solution or savlon antiseptic wound wash.
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Children,mentally unstable people,light skin and albinos are mostly affected.

Fire, hot water, electricity, chemicals, sun ray, lighting.

Severe pain,red skin, peeling or blistering of skin (blackened,if caused by electricity), watery fluid from the affected part, swelling of the affected part.


* Remove the heat source or the person from the heat source.

* Remove his clothing if it contains the source of the burn

* Use running cool water (but not cold,so no ice pack) to cool the affected part for about 20minutes or immerse the affected part in water...this reduces inflammation and swelling.
Beer or soft drink can be used if water is not available.

* apply first aid gel (if available) to the affected part.

* Remove any ornaments, jewelries, watches or tight clothing (these maybe difficult to remove when the affect part swells.

* If the person is a victim of burning house...
bring him out in the open space for fresh air...
Check his airway and breathing and clear nose/mouth.
Do Cardiac-Pulmonary Resuscitation, if unconscious or breathing is bad.

If the person is feeling faint,lay him down.

If clothing is on fire...
Cover the flames with coat or blanket and set the person onto the ground to remove oxygen from the burning area.


# don't break blisters or remove peeled skin

# don't remove any fabric stuck to a burn

#don't apply creams,ointment or can lead to infection

#don't immerse severely burnt area in cold water.


# install fire or gas leak alarm in the house or workplace

# have fire extinguisher installed in an easily accessible corner of the house.

# put gas cylinders outside the house and well protected from reach of children

# use silk paint instead of oil paint on the walls

# switch off any electrical appliance after use.

# always keep hot water or chemicals on the floor but not in pathway. And store chemicals properly.

# albinos, when under the sun, should wear clothing well covering the body and use umbrella and sun shade.
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Thursday, December 26, 2013


Asthma is regarded as a chronic inflammation of the airway which tend to cause muscle spasm,increase mucus secretion and cause narrowing of the airway. Hence the breathlessness the sufferers experience. Its usually triggered by a factor.

Common triggers:
Chest infection,pollen,dust,fur,smoke,fumes from frying oil,cold,exercise,excessive emotions...

_difficulty in speech
_chest tightness
_Persistent cough
_Poor skin colour

¤ Mild attack:

Short of breath, wheeze, cough, chest tightness.

¤ Moderate attack:
Loud wheeze, breathing difficulties, can only speak in short sentences.

¤ Severe attack:
Distressed, gasping for breath, difficulty speaking two words, blueness around the mouth.


* Remove the person from source of triggering factor

* Rest the person,usually the person sits up,leans forward with his hand on a table or on his knees.

* Administer his reliever medication,one puff at a time (usually one minute interval), use spacer if available,especially for a child.

* Give 3 puffs (mild attack) then 6-8 puffs (severe attack) waiting for a minute between each puff and, if no improvement, repeat after 4 to 6 minutes(depending on the severity).

* Rush to hospital or call paramedic,if these measures are not helpful.


#1. Using the inhaler with spacer...

*Remove cap and shake inhaler well.

* Insert inhaler into spacer.

*Have the person breathe out completely and put mouth tightly around spacer mouthpiece.

*Press inhaler once to deliver a puff.

Have the person breathe in slowly through the mouth and then hold breath for 10 seconds.

* Give a total of 4 puffs( for mild attack) or 6-8 puffs (for severe attack), waiting about a minute between each puff.

#2. Using Inhaler Without a Spacer...


Remove the inhaler cap and shake well.


Have the person breathe out all the way and seal lips tightly around inhaler mouthpiece.

* As the person starts to breathe in slowly, press down on inhaler one time.

The person should keep breathing in as slowly and deeply as possible (about five to seven seconds) and then hold breath for 10 seconds.


Give a total of four puffs ( for mild attack) and 6 to 8 puffs( for severe attack), waiting about one minute between each puff.

* After each set of the 4 or 6 puffs, wait for 4 or 6 minutes (depending on the severity). If the person still has trouble breathing, give another set of 4 or 6 puffs.


If there’s still little or no improvement, repeat the steps

until ambulance arrives or hospital is reached.

[ Remember to start CPR when the need arises ]
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Children are more prone to this. They usually play with small objects like coins,beans, groundnuts, etc. These objects can get lodged in the nose or throat blocking the air flow.

_difficulty breathing
_noisy breathing
_cough or inability to cough forcefully
_loss of consciousness

WHAT TO DO: five-and-five cycle

* Give 5 back blows. Deliver 5 back blows between the person's shoulder blades with the heel of your hand.

* Give 5 abdominal thrusts (Heimlich maneuver)

* Call paramedic or police or rush to hospital

* Alternate between 5 blows and 5 thrusts until help comes or the object is dislodged. Check the person's mouth for the dislodged object.

* If the person becomes unconscious, start CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation).


# Stand behind the person. Wrap your arms around his waist.

# Tip the person forward slightly.

# Make a fist with one hand. Position it slightly above the person's navel.

# Grasp the fist with the other hand. Press hard into the abdomen with a quick upward thrust_as if trying to lift the person up.

NB: Do a high abdominal thrust if the person is obese or pregnant.

* Never do a finger sweep unless you can see the object in the person's mouth

* don't give fluid
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Common causes:
_picking of nose
_foreign body
_blowing of nose
_allergic reaction
_head injury
_others: tumor,high blood pressure, cocaine use, anticoagulants.

This is commoner during the dry season in nigeria and during winter.


* Put the person at rest,better sitting.

* The person holds his head forward,pinches the whole soft part of his nose with his thumb and index fingers (for about 10 to 20 minutes) and then breaths through the mouth.

* Repeat,if bleeding persist

* Ice pack or cold towel can be applied to the bridge of the nose.

* If the person is a child,distract with TV/stories/songs etc.

* The person should not try to swallow the blood in the throat.

* If re-bleeding occurs after the above, blow out forcefully to clear your nose of blood clots and spray both sides of your nose with decongestant nasal spray containing oxymetazoline. Then pinch your nose as described above while you make your way to the hospital.

* If you're on anticoagulants,control the bleeding and see your doctor as soon as possible.

* Call a doctor if the above does not stop the bleeding or if the bleeding occurs too often.

* Don't tilt the head backward,the blood can trickle down into the airway.

* Don't bend down for several hours after the bleeding episode and keep the head higher than the level of your heart.

* Avoid picking,blowing or rubbing the nose for 2 days.

* Don't close mouth while sneezing

* Use humidifier at night during dry weather.
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This range from mild,moderate to severe bleeding. And can also be internal or external.
The major aid you're required to give here is direct and indirect pressures. Indirect pressure is mostly for moderate to severe bleeding uncontrolled by direct pressure.


* If possible, start with washing of your hand,avoid contact with the person's blood or body fluids. Use gloves or plastic (waterproof) bag to cover your hand.


* Use a pad, clean cloth or hand to apply direct pressure over the wound for 10-15 minutes (for mild and moderate bleeding). For severe bleeding,keep applying the pressure.

* Remove obvious dirt and debris but do not remove embedded foreign material in the wound. Just apply pressure beside it.

* Raise the affected area (this reduces blood flow to the area),...if it's in the arm,you can make an arm sling with a cloth or any available material.

* Raise the person's leg (this returns move blood to the rest of the body and to vital organs like the heart.brain,kidney...)

* If the bleeding stops, hold the pad in place with a bandage.

* Rest the person and the affected part.

* Cover the person to provide warmth.

* For mild bleeding,pressure can stop it and you may then use ur tools in first aid for dressing of the wound or seek help. Medical attention will be needed for moderate to severe bleeding.

* If blood leaks through the padding, apply a second pad over the first one. If the pad is soaked with blood,remove quickly and apply another pad.

* In a case of amputated part, secure the part in a container or a plastic bag and take it with you to the hospital.


* If with the above measure the bleeding still continues (and medical help is not available yet)...SQUEEZE A MAIN ARTERY.

Apply a pressure to the artery delivering blood to the area...

Pressure points on the body:

#For arm:
Apply pressure on the inside of the arm just above the elbow and another just below the armpit.

#For leg:
Apply pressure just behind the knee and another in the groin.

Squeez the main artery in these areas against the bone. Keep your fingers flat while with your other hand,continue to exert pressure on the wound itself.


Seek medical attention at once.

_bleeding from body cavities
_vomiting or coughing up blood
_bruising on neck,chest,abdomen or side
_wound that have penetrated the skull,chest and abdomen.
_abdominal pain tenderness following a trauma, possibly accompanied by rigidity or spasm of the abdominal muscles
_shock,indicated by weakness,thirst or skin that's cool to the touch.


* Lay the person with the head lower than the rest of the body,or just lay flat if the former is not possible. Then elevate the legs.

Some people would prefer managing mild wound at home. But remember that if the wound is deep or resulted from a rusty,metal object,the person requires a tetanus shot.

Tetanus booster doses are given every 10years.
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This is commoner in children and epileptics.
Note that seizure can occur without convulsion or loss of consciousness.

_unresponsiveness _staring without blink _twitching involuntarily _fall to the floor _rigidity _loss of bladder or bowel control _foaming in the mouth


* The goal is to keep the person from injury until the seizure stops or until the person is taken to hospital

* BE CALM (mothers tend to loose their composure in this situation) it's important to be calm and reassure other people who may be nearby.

* Loosen any tight cloth or necklace around the person's neck

* Remove any dangerous object around the person even furniture. If in public,clear people around.

* Time the seizure,note when it started and when it stopped. Also observe the character of the seizure (the doctor will ask you all these in the hospital )

* Don't try to restrict the person's movement or hold him down,unless he moves towards a dangerous object.

* However,if if twitch is not can cushion his head. Turn him to his side(to prevent choking from saliva or fall back of his tongue). Keep the person airway open by gripping his jaw and gently tilting his head back.

* If the person is a child...tepid sponge his body with cold towel

Call the paramedic or rush to hospital.

For Epileptics...

* Rush the person to hospital if it lasts for more than 5mins otherwise allow the seizure to resolve on its own.

* As soon as the seizure ends,quickly roll the person onto his side,open and clear his airway and mouth.

* Allow the person to sleep until fully recovered.but check for reflex responds every few minutes. However,if he does not wake within 10mins or not breathing well,then seek medical attention.


Do not put anything (not even drug) into the person's mouth during the seizure or immediately after,unless fully conscious. It's wrong practice to put spoon into the child's mouth during the seizure.
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Wednesday, December 25, 2013

COCONUT WATER: Overview, Uses, Side Effects and Dosing.


Coconut water is the clear liquid found inside immature coconuts. As the coconut matures, the water is replaced by coconut meat.

Coconut water is sometimes referred to as green coconut water because the immature coconuts are green in color.

Coconut water is different than coconut milk. Coconut milk is produced from an emulsion of the grated meat of a mature coconut.

Coconut water is commonly used as a beverage and as a solution for treating dehydration related to diarrhea or exercise. It is also tried for high blood pressure.

How does it work?

Coconut water is rich in carbohydrates and electrolytes such as potassium, sodium, and magnesium. Because of this electrolyte composition, there is a lot of interest in using coconut water to treat and prevent dehydration. But some experts suggest that the electrolyte composition in coconut water is not adequate to be used as a rehydration solution.

    Diarrhea-related dehydration. Some research shows that consuming coconut water can help prevent dehydration in children with mild diarrhea. But there is no reliable evidence that it is any more effective than other beverages for this use.
    Exercise-related dehydration. Some athletes use coconut water to replace fluids after exercise. Coconut water seems to help rehydrate after exercise, but it does not appear to be more effective than sports drinks or plain water.
    High blood pressure. Some research suggests that drinking coconut water might lower blood pressure in people with high blood pressure.
    Other conditions.

More evidence is needed to rate the effectiveness of coconut water for these uses.

 Coconut water is LIKELY SAFE for most adults when consumed as a drink. There are no known serious side effects.
Coconut water is POSSIBLY SAFE for children.
Special Precautions & Warnings:
Pregnancy and breast-feeding: Not enough is known about the use of coconut water during pregnancy and breast-feeding. Stay on the safe side and avoid use.

High blood pressure: Coconut water might lower blood pressure. It can increase the effects of medications used to lower blood pressure. Discuss your use of coconut water with your healthcare provider if you have blood pressure problems.

Surgery: Coconut water might interfere with blood pressure control during and after surgery. Stop using coconut water at least two weeks before a scheduled surgery.

The following doses have been studied in scientific research:


    For high blood pressure: 300 mL twice daily.
    For exercise-induced dehydration: variable depending on estimated loss of fluid.

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Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Foods That Benefits The Body, But Harm The Teeth.

In the world of foods, a lot of weirdos apply. It turned out that many foods that benefit the body are harmful to the teeth. Here’s a list of some of such foods…

Nutritionists note that milk is a healthy source of calcium. Other top sources of this mineral are cheese, turnip greens, oranges, and broccoli; but milk not only has the most calcium, it’s also a great source of vitamin D, riboflavin, carotene, and retinol, among others. However, despite these numerous pluses, milk can wreak havoc on your teeth — that is if you take much milk while you are careless with oral hygiene! A dentist, Dr. Deola Olonilua, says the lactose (a form of sugar) in milk rots the teeth as much as frizzy drinks do. She warns that even though certain foods are healthy, the presence of certain elements or minerals in then can damage the teeth when the eater has prolonged exposure to such foods. She says, “Milk has a sugar in it called lactose. The lactose in milk can be especially dangerous for children if they have it just before bedtime. This is because the milk will still be on their teeth as they sleep, and the sugars are converted to acids by oral bacteria. The acids can coat the teeth and consequently eat away at the tooth enamel. That is one of the ways people develop cavities.” She advises that people should not hit the bed immediately after taking milk. Rather, she counsels,
“You should rinse your mouth thoroughly after taking milk, or better still, brush your teeth as the last thing before bed.

Though lemon drinks have detoxifying and other benefits, it can affect your teeth in many ways than one. Lemon contains citric acid, which, dentists say, causes enamel erosion and other dental problems. The online portal,, states, “Drinking lemon juice can put you at risk for tooth erosion, a condition where the thin, protective layer of enamel slowly wears away from your teeth. Lemon juice contains acid, which irritates gums and softens tooth enamel.” Experts warn that frequent consumption of products that contain acid will eventually destroy the enamel and expose underlying dentin, leaving your teeth vulnerable to sensitivity and tooth decay. “Enamel erosion is one of the most common causes of cavities and tooth loss. This is because when you feast on these fruits for a long period, it means you are constantly bathing your teeth in acid and sugar; this will not allow your saliva to wash it away and neutralise the acids,” Olonilua says. Other fruits in this category include orange, apple and grapefruit juice. The dentist says since these fruits also contain natural sugars, the best bet is to thoroughly rinse the mouth after taking them.

Dried fruits:
In these days of eating on-the-go, dried fruits come in handy, as you can munch them at any time
of the day. Plus, they are available all the year round, and you can stock up on them without any fear that they would rot. However, experts say though dried fruits have admirably long shelf life, their detrimental effects on the teeth are enormous. Olonilua says, “Dried fruits can be harmful to the teeth because of their concentrated sugar content and stickiness. When you eat dried fruits, parts of them can easily adhere to the teeth, while the sugar in them encourages bacteria to thrive in the mouth. This is very likely to erode tooth enamel.” Scientists contend that since dried fruits are packed
with non-soluble cellulose fibre, they can bind and trap sugars on and around the tooth, making it worse than sweets. They advise that after taking dried fruit, brush immediately; and if you have no access to brush, rinse your mouth thoroughly while running your tongue all over your teeth.

Red, white wine:
When taken in moderation, wine is said to benefit the heart immensely. But then, wines do wreck havoc on teeth also. Take the red wine, for instance, which, experts say, is a tasty mix of natural dyes, acids, and tannin. These three ingredients leave lasting effects
on teeth, as they can contribute to teeth stain. Researchers say saliva in our mouth helps to wash away food particles and protect against acidic foods. However, wine contains alcohol, and alcohol suppresses the production of saliva. When this happens frequently, it is harmful for teeth and it may lead to gum disease. In extreme cases, it may lead to oral cancer, experts warn. A group of New York University researchers warn that if taken in excess, the acidic composition of wines can dissolve the enamel, make teeth porous and easily stained. Another study published in the journal Nutrition Research states that different types of wine may have a more negative impact on your teeth than others. The study shows that white wine has an acid content that tends to increase the risk of dark dental stains if you also drink tea or similar beverages. The researchers tested the effects of multiple red and white wines on teeth, and found that wine erodes the enamel of teeth, while white wine has a worse impact than red wine. “Wine is highly acidic, and the acid leads to lower levels of minerals such as calcium and dental erosion. The white grape variety (riesling) was found to be the most acidic of the wines tested,” the study says. Well, unlike the advice with other foods, experts say it is not recommended to brush immediately after drinking wine. “The softened teeth can be eroded by vigorous hygiene, so you should rinse — and wait a bit — before scrubbing your teeth,” the experts advise. Olonilua says for this reason, it’s always a good idea to drink some water after drinking wine in order to rinse the acids from your mouth.
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Monday, December 23, 2013




The new guideline from the American Heart Association recommends that compression of the chest is started before airway. That is C-A-B instead of A-B-C

Here are the steps for CPR under 3 basic heading; C-A-B:


* Ask yourself: is it safe for me to approach the person? Is it safe for the person too? Check for dangers and clear them or more the person out of the danger. You can do this by placing a hard board or blanket and roll the person onto the material or simply roll the person out of the dangerous area.
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Know The Contents Of first Aid kit Box

First Aid is defined as the emergency treatment administered to an injured or sick person before professional medical care is available.

Its advisable to note the following.
Please know the hotline of the following:

* paramedic in your area
* A doctor or better a family doctor
* police
* At worst,a taxi driver

FIRST AID KIT (a miniature hospital)

First aid kit is a collection of equipment,materials and over-the-counter drugs used in giving first aid.

Do you have one? If No,get one as soon as possible from a store or you can assemble the item into a portable box.
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Good Day to you all:

There has been a major overhaul of our blog, we have changed our title, address, and content to reflect the requisite for google ad-sense account. We have now decided to tailor this web page to cater specifically for health education.

We are poise to bring to your fore, healthy living tips such as beneficial foods and physical activity that enhance good living, we will define and enlighten you on dreaded diseases that affects public health, its diagnosis and therapeutic measures.

10 Inspiring Quotes For Healthy Living

1. Buddha (c. 563 BC to 483 BC) – a spiritual teacher from ancient India who founded Buddhism
To keep the body in good health is a duty, otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.
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Sunday, December 22, 2013

Enquiry???? What Do You Like To Read On Our Blog



Feed Back Please, Please Comment on Our Blog Whenever you Read. We Want to Know What you Will Like us to Write.

Seasons greeting.........

Merry xmas in Advance.........

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Tooth Decay –top 10 Natural Ways To Prevent It

Tooth decay is a damage of the outer surface of the tooth or tooth enamel. Generally, the tooth decay can result in a hole in the tooth. It is caused by a combination of factors, which includes bacteria in your mouth, a poor diet high in sugar and acid, poor oral hygiene, frequent snacking and sipping sugary drinks, genetic and other factors.

Tooth decay is one of the most prevalent dental problems in the United States. They are common in children, teenagers and older adults. If it is left untreated, tooth decay may lead to infection, pain, and loss of the tooth. You can able to prevent tooth decay by taking some preventative measures like brushing, flossing, eating healthy foods, dental sealants, etc.

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Saturday, December 21, 2013

Imo State University Owerri to resume January 6th 2014

 Information reaching me from a verifiable source indicates that Imo State University Owerri will resume for 2013/2014 academic session January 6th, all students are expected to return to campus before then as lectures start immediately.

Welcome back on campus....Greatest Imo Stars.

Email us :
Call us: 08164002416
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Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Do you want a qualitative health services in India

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  • Spine, Knee or Hip Replacement Surgery
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    India is a favourite destination for thousands of International Patients and is 5-8 times cheaper than the US & UK with hardly any waiting time.
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    Consultant                   International Patient Services - Leading Hospitals in India.
    Managing Director     Speedy Recovery International Health Care Services
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Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Seasons greetings to our beloved readers...

We bring to you our esteemed and ardent readers of our webpage the joy of Christmas.
Wishing you and your family, the gift of faith,
The blessing of hope and the peace of love, at Christmas and always.

Merry Christmas and a happy New year in advance.

Don't forget: Email us at
Phone number: +2348065011429
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Friday, December 13, 2013

Chaos In Unth Over Induction Of Doctors-happening Now(@ D Time Of Post) by donj via nairaland

Fresh graduates of the University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital, UNTH, are gearing up for a show down with the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine.

The induction of the graduates was to take place today, Friday, morning but the Dean, Prof. B.C Ezeanolue shut the door against 120 of the 136 graduates.

The Dean has already inducted less than 20 graduates, including his two daughters.

The fresh medical graduates are threatening action against the authorities.
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U-Report: Ex-Minister Commends FGN On F.M.C. Owerri

Report By E.N Iwuala President Goodluck Jonathan and the management of Federal Medical Center (FMC) Owerri have been commended for the massive infrastructural development the medical centre has been witnessing for a while now. The former Minister of Interior, Captain Emmanuel Iheanacho made this remark during the 2013 General Meeting of the Association of Resident Doctors of FMC Chapter, Owerri, held recently at the Multi-Purpose Hall FMC Owerri. Delivering a lecture at the event entitled ‘Good Governance; an Indispensable Tool to Improved Health Care Delivery’, the former minister who is the Chairman and Chief Executive of Genesis World-Wide Shipping Company said that Good Governance among other things, is participatory, transparent, accountable, result-oriented, strategic and promotes the rule of law at all levels and every institution. On improving health system in Nigeria, the Ex Minister had this to say: ‘Improving health system requires reformation and political commitment. In addition, to that, adequate financial and human resources should be put in place… Also, there should collaborative approach to service delivery… There should be increased public-private participation in healthcare delivery and government should also provide information and Communication Technology ICT)…’. However, the Emekuku-Owerri-born eloquent advocate concluded by saying that it is only a good government at all levels and institutions that can guarantee improved health care in the country. The lecture witnessed many commendations from various participants in the event. While thanking the foremost mariner on the lecture which he described as highly inspiring, the out-going president of Association of Resident Doctors of FMC Chapter, Owerri, Dr. Thyword Agu identified the challenges in the health sector in the country to include: lack of health care facilities, incessant strikes by health cworkers, poor remuneration of health workers and unhealthy government policies in the health sector. The event which was well attended by many doctors and other stakeholders in the governance of the country, also witnessed other presentations from other speakers.
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